FDNY confirms outdoor explosion in Chelsea

Our generation will easily be known for overreacting and blowing things way out of proportion. Extremism is getting ridiculous I agree, but for the love of God I keep seeing news report after news report of "Fatal Car Pile Up" and it doesn't stop anyone from getting in their car and driving like a maniac (myself included).

This is exactly what these bombers want, they want us to be fearful everywhere we go that something bad will happen. They're winning. I'm scared shitless over this, but I think that it's just because the news is making it this huge deal. I try to think of a solution that isn't some kind of anarchy with everyone running around with AR-15s. We live in the problem solving era as well, and as my father tells me "everything is on video tape now a days, you can't do shit".

It is safer now than ever before in human history but it's just scary because we know that all this extremism shit is bullshit and it shouldn't be happening. We know how far humans can go, such a shame things like disagreements over culture and religion are still killing people.

/r/news Thread Link - pix11.com