[/FE4] Remember to customise your characters

It's always interesting to see how you can push the mechanics and limitations of a system to achieve effects one might initially think to be impossible. One of the requests I fulfilled involved a similar thing for Clement, Bramsel and Morrigan's portraits.

Coincidentally, Datagne's also gone with the same mask theme for the Loptyr sect, which makes for a nice consistency across enemies.

The Chagall portraits look to be OK, too. There was one colour extra in the Chagall version of the portrait, but that was just a couple of pixels in the hair outline that was easily fixed.

The palette-swap process is probably a little more robust than I implied in the posts, as I didn't want people thinking it was too robust. All that matters for the recolour is that my portrait formatter encounters the colours in the portrait in the same order, so they end up stored in the same order in the palette. I keep the palette data and discard the image data when inserting palette swaps, so if the portrait holding the palette swap is off by a pixel or two in certain areas, it doesn't matter that much if it's not in an area that turns up soon in the scanthrough, which starts at the bottom of the image. If there are any errors near the chin, then chances are that most of the palette will be fixed in place by then, so there probably won't be any issues.

Finally, if I gave you another portrait or two to do as you wished with, how long would it likely take you to produce a finished product? I've got a couple of rather neglected characters left over, although what happens to them does depend a large amount on the actions of a few other users as well. Now that you've finished your original set, I may be able to send one or two your way if it comes down to it, although I must ask that you only accept if you feel you can get them done within a week or two, as I've got some IRL time constraints on when I can assemble things and want to get /FE4 over and done with sooner rather than later.

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