
I need to channel that calm.

I'm a new-ish parent of one. At 2 1/2 he just had his first fall-hard-and-bleed accident and it scared the shit outta me. Especially since it was a head wound. He stopped bleeding soon enough -- didn't even need stitches. He was completely OK.

I, on the other hand, freaked the fuck out. Yelling for my husband, crying, panicked calling of the nurse line. For the rest of the day my normally resilient son would cry and look for me with every little bump or tumble. Probably because of my overreaction.

The lesson I learned was how important staying calm is. You have to be the calm for your kids -- they follow your lead. Panic makes it hard for them to follow instructions and be receptive to your care.

Next time something happens, I hope I'm ready.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com