I have a fear of being homeless

I have been homeless before and have PTSD symptoms about it. I had PTSD before i became homeless (and during too lol) but it was different symptoms, weirdly. The housing program through HUD i live in now is awful. Not the actual apartment (it's sketchy but...fine...compared to a shelter or actual cardboard box) but the case managers and agency i must meet are power tripping. They humiliate me in small ways it's hard to describe.. I worry alot they are trying to "get rid" of me (i was told it's so hard for them to evict me). Even though I'm a great and clean tenant...polite and easy to get along! They want me to "do more in the community" i guess or get a job and pay them more rent since its by income.. But it's a fact disabled people are vulnerable and the housing market due to crash

/r/disability Thread