The Fear That's Left Behind

Hey! Thanks for submitting this.
I love the conversation-esque style this is written in. I felt like I was actually talking to you, and listening to why you're afraid to move forward. You spend most of your time looking back and seeing how badly things used to be. And, while you have improved, I kept reading your poem as saying that you have a fear of reverting back, which that keeps you trapped altogether. Failure and falling are what bring you down all too quickly. This then ties into your desire for comfort. You desire someone else not only to help you improve, but to keep you calm.

Then again, these are only things that I took with me from your poem. You express your emotions clearly, and there's something to appreciate from this cut-and-dry approach to letting someone know that you need them. That being said, try to organize your thoughts more clearly and make sure that changes aren't so sudden. The "I love you's" were understandable after I had read the poem, but I didn't understand what you were saying in the beginning. Good job! This was a fun read.

/r/OCPoetry Thread