I hate FB. I've deleted my account twice. Then I had an obligation where I needed to stay in the loop on FB. I created another account with my middle name. On impulse I tried to add my old college roommate to my account a few weeks ago. She accepted my request to ask me why I changed my name. I answered her- she replied "Gotcha." Then unfriended me. I thought it must be some kind of error so I sent her another FB request which she did not accept.

It's bugging the shit out of me! I told myself when that happened I was going to delete her from my phone contacts and never think about it again. Wrong. It's like when you lose a tooth or something and even though it hurts you keep touching it. I have several possible scenarios about why she doesn't like me anymore. I tell myself I'm being silly, mentally weak- etc. and then... "just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't talking about you."

No, I don't sit around thinking about it all the time. It hits me suddenly and out of the blue and makes me feel like shit for a few minutes.

I hate being crazy.

/r/bipolar Thread