I've already posted. But I'm just not doing well today. And I feel like it's stupid so I don't want to rant to friends about it. I'm pissed and bummed and things. Though on the plus side, it's been making me write poetry in my head for most of the day. I've barely been writing lately. Maybe I've been lacking some raw emotions. Maybe being kicked around is good for my art.

On a similar note, my old poetry professor told me today that he's teaching again this fall. He said he could make it an "advanced" class for me since he knows that I'm beyond the basics, which I appreciate. He's a good guy, our work is fairly similar which is a cool connection. I hope the class works with my schedule, because I really need something like this.

Hour and a half left until the 3 day weekend. I want to go home sick (though in reality, I'd be going home moody). I'm PMSing bad, and I'm having a depressed episode at the same time. I should probably just hide in a cave and not talk to anyone until it passes. Will probably delete this rant later.

/r/bipolar Thread