Fed should pay every American more, let hedge funds and billionaires ‘get wiped out,’ says Social Capital CEO | ‘What we’ve done is disproportionately prop up poor-performing CEOs and boards,’ Chamath Palihapitiya tells CNBC

It's what makes sense really.

I looked at the chart of the velocity of money (I don't know how to link it yet, but I'll try to do an edit), and it has completely nose dived since 2000. Is that when corps got greedy and hoarded?

It'd make sense that the corporations are litterally hoarding money, or that we're just not producing/consuming enough. Though, how much of a rise in GDP will be needed to offset the saturation of the money supply since the first QE in 2010?

If the fed kept rates low and did indeed give much more money to the citizens, I wonder how much of a rise in GDP would be needed to significantly raise the VM ratio.

I don't understand why we're not doing this.

$1200 would pay one month's rent in a nice but modest one-bedroom apartment in my area. Maybe decent two-bedroom rooms here and there. Just one month.

I'm curious what's going to happen in the mid-term more so than anything else.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - marketwatch.com