Federal appeals court: Drug dog that’s barely more accurate than a coin flip is good enough

i got pulled in an ice storm once. only one on the road, coming back from a 3rd shift repair call in a factory. this was back in the late 90s. i was driving a tiny toyota truck. he walks up to the window and looks in and sees a 240lb, 6' dude, with 3 ft long jet black hair, wearing a black leather trenchcoat (back before the colubine fuckers ruined that for everyone), and freaks the everloving fuck out.

out comes the gun. tells me to get out of the truck with my hands up. so i roll out of the truck and he's like "take off the coat! you could have a shotgun under there!" so i take it off and lay it across the drivers seat. he's still freaking and calling for backup for some fucking reason. wants to know if i have any drugs in the car. where i've been. why i'm wearing the bigass coat...(it's night, in january, in an ice storm). wants to search the truck. i say no. I say "you haven't even told me why you pulled me over yet". "well i'll just bring a fucking dog here and rip this truck apart and find your drugs", he says. "that would be some trick" i said. "there's nothing to find". he says "ok smartass, we'll see." and handcuffs me "for his protection" and calls in the dog.

dog comes and of course, it alerts. i didn't mention that this is my 70 year old father's truck. my car was in the shop. i'm like "WTF, this is bullshit..."

so they search. throw my $600 trenchcoat in the icy mud. tear apart my laptop/tool bag. "you have any needles in here? i don't want to get stabbed by any needles". i say "no, but that circuit board in your hand cost my company $12000 and i REALLY hope that you didn't fuck it up when you held it up in the goddamned rain"

shit like this this goes on for 2 hours. i'm sitting on a sidewalk in 30 degree cold and rain with no coat, handcuffed, the whole time. they're walking on my leather coat, put everything from my laptop bag out in the bed of the truck (including the laptop, which was killed by the rain).

but they found nothing. and that pissed Sgt Stedenko off to no end.

"we'll let you off with a warning tonight" he says.

"a warning for what? i didn't do shit."

"a warning not to talk back to police. this would have gone much easier if you had cooperated"

"fuck that. you never even told me why you pulled me over"

"you were acting suspicious."

"whatever man. can i go?"

and they left me there to pick up all my shit. in the rain. ruined my coat and laptop. and totally ruined my feelings about cops in general. lawyer told me not to bother filing anything. i wouldn't win anything out of it. fuck them all.

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