Federal appeals court rules 2-1, you have the right to film the police

Oh my god dude. Yes, in the Fifth Circuit upheld the general right, although for the hundredth time I'll point out 1) not every circuit has come to this conclusions 2) the right is limited even in those circuits that have upheld the right to film cops. Your original point that journalists have an absolute right to film police ---> anyone with a camera is a journalist ---> citizens have an an absolute right to film police is still wrong.

So this article brings absolutely nothing to the table that we haven't discussed before. In fact, the original post that sparked this sad attempt to teach you something was about the Fifth Circuit decision, so congratulations, you've brought us full circle.

You know, sometimes I take a look at my interactions and realize that I only ever talk to people who, similarly to me, have Ivy educations, work at prestigious places, and generally are much more educated and intelligent then your average American. I sometimes wonder if this self-selection has created a kind of bubble, and if I would be well served to broaden my social circle to interact with folks from different walks on life.

Then I have a discussion with someone like you. Someone who is utterly incapable of grasping the simplest hint of nuance or complexity, and rigidly adheres to their predetermined idea of reality even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that they are, at least partially, wrong.

You are an idiot. A mediocre man of stunningly average intelligence, who, despite absolutely no evidence, believes he is smart and has the world "figured out". Guess what genius. The people who actually know what they're talking about, who actually have a fucking clue, those people are attending elite educational institutions, or making millions in finance, or innovating in Silicon Valley. They are not making conspiracy theory videos and working some shitty, low paying job in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is stay in your fucking lane, enjoy your 40 hour work week, your 40k salary, and your 240 pound wife like every other miserable moron in this country, and leave the thinking to people who actually have the equipment to do it. Okay?

/r/news Thread Parent Link - arstechnica.com