Federal courts in Seattle and Denver issue pro-LGBTQ rulings

How’s about we don’t shit on many people’s faith beliefs just because some transphobes try to use theirs to justify their bigotry, and instead focus on the wrongness of bigotry on its faith?

Regardless of what that comment said, I can guarantee you that religion and queerphobia are not the same thing and I can mention Reform Jews, a growing number of Episcopal/Anglican and Presbyterian (PCUSA, not PCA) Churches and the denominations themselves in general, practitioners of the Baha’i Faith, and the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið as examples of religious groups who are queer-affirming or measurably moving in that direction. Furthermore, not every faith community is a for-profit megachurch. Some religious groups are genuinely good and throwing them under the bus to bash back at the religious groups that do bash us is not helpful.

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