Federal government is spending $1 billion to keep immigrant kids detained, new report finds

This has been going on for a long time; private corporations profiting from making huge profits from the incarceration of not only immigrants and refugees, but US citizens as well.

The AP report implies that in 2017 it cost nearly $80,000 per year to shelter "unaccompanied minors" per year.

The new policies by the administration has basically made any child entering the country, as an immigrant or a refugee, "unaccompanied". We know that an additional 4000 kids have been brought into this system by Session's new "zero tolerance" policy.

Between May 1 and June 16, when the policy was supposedly halted (we don't know this for sure), 2344 children, that were with their parents upon crossing the border, were classified as "unaccompanied minors", separated from their parents, and put into facilities; about 400 kids per week more children into the system, on top of the actual "unaccompanied minor" children.

Trajectory, at end of 2020 if these policies continue, an additional 50,000 kids forced into this system, at an additional cost of nearly $4B to the US tax payer? On top of the absolutely unacceptable human rights violations.

If you know folks that think this policy is acceptable, maybe start talking about how the additional costs come right out of their already shrinking pay check, and right into some guys yacht in the caribbean.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - thinkprogress.org