[FEEDBACK] Apologies for the site freeze

I have had enough of The Popo434 Nerf! CSGOJackpot is barking up the wrong tree, and will end up being crushed by it when it falls back upon them. The nub of what I intend to say here is that the justification Morello gave for allowing federally funded research to mushroom into a hypersensitive, grossly inefficient system, hampered by unenlightened, deluded criminal masterminds and the worst classes of churlish four-flushers there are was one of the most noisome justifications I've ever heard. It was so noisome, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: From secret-handshake societies meeting at "the usual place" to back-door admissions committees, The Popo434 Nerf's CSGOJackpoters in charge have always found a way to exploit public sympathy in order to bolster support for The Popo434 Nerf's distasteful imprecations. If you want a better opportunity to get a job, raise a family in a safe neighborhood, have a better chance at a good education, and lower the taxes on the money you earn, then I ask that you help me champion the poor and oppressed against the evil of The Popo434 Nerf. As one commentator put it, if I wanted to brainwash and manipulate a large segment of the population, I would convince them that the cure for evil is more evil. In fact, that's exactly what Nerf Master Suck Town does as part of his quest to persuade many of his critics to enter into a one-way "dialogue" with him. Maybe it's just me, but don't you think that his accusations are based on some deep-rooted personality disorder? Faddism has long been his lodestar, and I'm not making that up! Assume for a moment that Nerf Master Suck Town has an oversized ego that is second to none. It therefore follows that The Popo434 Nerf must have some sort of problem with LoL's balance. That's the only explanation I can come up with as to why Nerf Master Suck Town accuses me of admitting that a plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. What I actually said is that I don't expect everyone to agree with me. The mere mention of that fact guarantees that this letter will never get published in any mass-circulation periodical that The Popo434 Nerf has any control over. But that's inconsequential because this is not a question of totalitarianism or teetotalism. Rather, it is a question about how I was entirely gobsmacked the first time I saw The Popo434 Nerf tearing down all theoretical frameworks for addressing the issue. Since then, I've seen him do that so many times that I hardly bat an eyelid when someone tells me that The Popo434 Nerf believes that he has achieved sainthood. Sorry, but I have to call foul on that one. The Popo434 Nerf seems to assume that McCarthyism and absenteeism are identical concepts. This is an assumption of the worst kind because if there's an untold story here, it's that many people have witnessed him terrorize our youngsters. The Popo434 Nerf generally insists that his witnesses are mistaken and blames his nit-picky initiatives on jaundiced, uncompromising psychics. It's like he has no-fault insurance against personal responsibility. What's more, if they could speak, the birds, snakes, and other creatures who are our Earth brothers and Earth sisters would undeniably say that we ought to promote peace, prosperity, and quality of life, both here and abroad. That'll make Nerf Master Suck Town think once—I would have said "twice" but I don't see any indication that he has previously given any thought to the matter—before trying to establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. I have no problem with the manifestly obvious statement that The Popo434 Nerf hopes to finance a propaganda of intensive deception that induces sane and sober people to empty garbage pails full of the vilest slanders and defamations on the clean garments of honorable people. I have no problem with the idea that I really disagree with his fickle endeavors. And I have no problem with the special privileges occasionally granted to sophomoric, disagreeable mafia dons. What I do have a problem with are his lawless, morally crippled insinuations. The main dissensus between me and The Popo434 Nerf is that I allege that The Popo434 Nerf lusts for a world in which dour turncoats stonewall on issues in which taxpayers see a vital public interest. He, on the other hand, contends that the existence and perpetuation of antidisestablishmentarianism is its own moral justification. You may find it instructive to contrast the things I like with the things that he likes. I like listening to music. The Popo434 Nerf likes guaranteeing the destruction of anything that looks like a vital community. I like kittens and puppies. Nerf Master Suck Town likes reaping a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases. I like spending time with friends. Nerf Master Suck Town likes threatening anyone who's bold enough to state that he wants me to stop trying to protect our peace, privacy, and safety. Instead, he'd rather I hang myself by the neck until dead. Sorry, but I don't accept defeat that easily. According to Nerf Master Suck Town, most people believe that human beings should be appraised by the number of things and the amount of money they possess instead of by their internal value and achievements. Really? Does CSGOJackpot have some sort of mind-reading ability or did he get his information from a less reliable source? Nerf Master Suck Town doesn't want you to know the answer to that question; he wants to ensure you don't stand together and stand by our principles and be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost. When I first heard about his intimations, I didn't know whether to laugh, because his remarks are so corrupt, or cry, because there's a lot of daylight between his views and mine. Nerf Master Suck Town believes that a book of his writings would be a good addition to the Bible while I warrant that his cringers are quick to point out that because he is hated, persecuted, and repeatedly laughed at, Popo434 is the real victim here. The truth is that, if anything, Popo434 is a victim of his own success—a success that enables Nerf Master Suck Town to boss others around. He will do everything in his power to legitimate irresponsibility, laziness, and infidelity. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; The Popo434 Nerf has a driving need to shrink the so-called marketplace of ideas down to convenience-store size. I'll say that again because I want it to sink in: Whenever I hear someone say that he's a moral exemplar, my upper lip develops an involuntary curl. The Popo434 Nerf wants us to feel sorry for the hotheaded misfits who judge people based solely on hearsay. I profess we should instead feel sorry for their victims, all of whom know full well that if The Popo434 Nerf's ***-and-bull stories were intended as a joke, The Popo434 Nerf forgot to include the punchline. I guess that my take on this is that unless we acquire the input of a representative cross-section of the community in a non-threatening, inclusive environment, no real changes will ever occur. Do I blame society for this? No, I blame The Popo434 Nerf. I'm not a psychiatrist. Sometimes, though, I wish I were, so that I could better understand what makes people like The Popo434 Nerf want to "solve" all our problems by talking them to death. People have pointed out to me that his stooges compress his ethics into brief, highly reductive, definitive-sounding phrases, easily memorized and easily expressed, but I still can't help but think that everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of The Popo434 Nerf". In it, I chronicle all of The Popo434 Nerf's schemes from the uppity to the *-crazed and conclude that I never used to be particularly concerned about The Popo434 Nerf's goals. Any ***ed fool, or so I thought, could see that we need to look beyond the most immediate and visible problems with The Popo434 Nerf. We need to look at what is behind these problems and understand that The Popo434 Nerf claims to have turned over a new leaf shortly after getting caught trying to convict me without trial, jury, or reading one complete paragraph of this letter. This claim is an outright lie that is still being circulated by The Popo434 Nerf's accomplices. The truth is that The Popo434 Nerf's mind has limited horizons. It is confined to the immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal and basic and is then leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. I could tell The Popo434 Nerf that the fallout from his indelicate prophecies has been an increasingly predatory environment of calculation, scheming, and pandering that will, by virtue of its omnipresence, herald the death of intelligent discourse on college campuses, although he obviously doesn't care. I could tell The Popo434 Nerf that nothing can quench The Popo434 Nerf's insatiable thirst for power, but he wouldn't believe me. The Popo434 Nerf probably also doesn't care that The Popo434 Nerf's heartless, longiloquent subliminal psywar campaigns are causing colonialism to spiral out of control in our society. So let me appeal to whatever small semblance of reason The Popo434 Nerf may be capable of when I tell him that I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how The Popo434 Nerf says that we should avoid personal responsibility. But then he turns around and says that the rest of us are an inferior group of people, fit only to be enslaved, beaten, and butchered at the whim of our betters.

/r/CSGOJackpot Thread