Feedback, Bug Report - March 18th, 2019

  • Type of Bug: Game breaking

  • Description: After completing the last stronghold(with gear score 390) I get the screen stating I'm at World Tier 4. After I close the map, then open again it shows me at World Tier 3.

  • Video / Screenshot: N/A

  • Steps to reproduce: Run Roosevelt Island, complete it with a gear score above 375(390), progress to Tier 4. Reopen map and check World Tier and shows at 3. I have re-logged and replayed it and it still fails to progress me past World Tier 3 after completing the Stronghold.

  • Expected result: Progress past World Tier 3

  • Observed result: Stuck at World Tier 4

  • Reproduction rate: 100%, have run the last strong hold multiple time and completed it with the correct gear score.

  • System specs: EVGA 1080ti

*Additional notes* Our initial stronghold run was bugged due to the enemy not loading at the beginning. We changed the leaders and reset it. Not sure if it matters, but thought it was worth including.

/r/thedivision Thread