Feedback Friday 2015-05-22

  • Upgrades stick out like a sore thumb, I'm guessing they'll be changed later on though

  • Main Menu, Statistics, and Achivements use up a lot of space and overwhelm the screen despite being non-essentials. Consolidate Statistics, Main Menu, and Achievements into one box with tabs? Buttons which expand when clicked?

  • Horizontal scroll bars is appearing to give access to 4 pixels. Horizontal scroll bars are the vertical scroll bar's friend that rarely leaves his mom's basement and stinks up the entire room when he does leave.

My first impression (not wearing my contacts, couldn't read the name) was "Oh, is this a game about ice cream?" It reminds me of a fruit salad. You might want to go with something darker and more serious if you want to stick to the theme of wizards and arcane magic.

The interface to me is very difficult and confusing. There's not much contrast between the salmon/coral background and the mango boxes. The background matches everything else too well.

I tried #FC5547 for the background and thought it looked very nice. Try making all the colors a little darker. Make the dotted border black instead of white?

Couple personal recommendations, see if any of them fit your fancy.

  • Smaller "Cast Spell" book, smaller item boxes

  • Bigger "Toggle Upgrades" button and text

  • Move the Wizard Name thing and make it bigger

  • Add something to make the total arcane power stand out (I.E border, separate box, etc) or change the color. It's very hard to see on that background.

  • Fit all of Rayne's Sorcery Store buttons into one box, no scrolling. Maybe throw them out entirely and expand the

  • Might just be me but 1 font, more are ok if they're similar. Print > cursive > cursive + print

As always don't be discouraged :)

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