[FEEDBACK] Other Brothers (Action/Comedy, 98 pgs)

For me, lower quality doesn’t necessarily have to be crude. A few examples of what I’d consider lower quality jokes:

Johan saying “Bald, cocks, fight” and Stoner replying, “Oh so it was that kind of party? No wonder you left.” I consider that type of joke lower quality because it’s kind of reaching for humor that’s not completely there.

“Don’t call our mom a bitch. Your sister is the one who came onto me, and then I came onto her.” Is Jason the type of person to think this guy’s really insulting his mom and to respond by saying that he came on his sister? It felt out of place to me. In that sense, it’s more there for a cheap laugh than an authentic expression of character. It also makes the fight that follows feel forced.

A couple more that just kind of fell flat: “Just nut up and do it” “My nuts are definitely up right now.”

Chad: “It was rough. And I’m talking about the sex with her sister that is, that girl was a freak”

The Homeless Man busting into the skinheads place and looking for the circle jerk seemed out of place.

None of those were really born out of character. They were just jokes.

Most of the humor I liked best were lines born out of the characters’ personalities. You had plenty of these, especially from Travis. The stoner had a lot of nice touches. Here’s one from Jason:

“I’m rusty. That was probably the first time in 3 or 4 months I talked to girl who wasn’t mom…” The truth/vulnerability behind this line is great. I think you should edit down the whole thing a bit though and it with “… who isn’t mom” because that’s the punch line to the whole thing. I even like the self-deprecating line about it being a victory that he didn’t pee in her mouth (even though I wasn’t a fan of the actual peeing). I don’t know if you can include both of those though unless you want to break them up with more conversation. It’s kind of a lot. To piggyback off this, I thought a bunch of your lines would’ve been better if you edited them down a bit. Not that they weren’t funny, but they were kind of overkill.

Travis saying “No way” when Jason was running away from the house and saying it’s grandpa back from dead is a nice touch. Born out of his character being a huge idiot… “abortion, abortion…” was good

Kyle driving and Travis reaming him out has some good moments “kyle or big pussy kyle, whichever you prefer” “he likes to drive people around in his car all day, don’t you kyle” “pissed all over our 4th cleanest outdoor couch”

Keep in mind these are all just my personal preferences and other people (you included) likely have different tastes.

Some other things I noticed when looking it over… maybe tone the Jeff guy down a bit. I don’t have any frat experience, but he seemed pretty over the top for an administrative type. And also I was confused by them talking about the pool.

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