I feel bad for feeling this way, but I really want these two people dead or tortured

I think it would be strange if you didn’t want those two people to suffer or die. What they did to you was horrible.

I was sexually abused for ten years as a child by a family member and yes, I did attract people that didn’t think much of me but I didn’t think much of myself either. I thought I was just good for sex.

I still don’t trust people very easily. I don’t see that ever changing.

You need to remind yourself that you’re worthy of goodness. You deserve a wholesome life. Listen to red flags. People usually show you who they are rather quickly. Just because you fall in love with someone doesn’t mean they’re good for you and you should pursue a relationship with them.

This abuse doesn’t define you or your future but you absolutely must decide that you’re a good person that deserves love, trust and respect. You deserve to have a healthy, stable, fulfilling life. There are plenty of people that will tell you otherwise (people love to drag other people down) but you must be strong.

I’ve been married to an incredible man for 19 years and we have six wonderful kids. I love my life! There’s peace on the other side but you will need to work on yourself and fight for it. Thinking of you!

/r/confession Thread