I feel so disgusting for feeling like I need sex

Good question...she is doing a nursing degree at university. Same here people are done by 30. She is late...she spent years in university and never completed anything and worked and had mamy relationships. Honestly her past is sketchy. The biggest issue are her time management skills and her response to stress. Basically she has neglected the relationship for the last 2 months ( sexually and affection) and we have been together for 9 months. Although she spends a lot of time at my house the quality is not there...pecks on the lips every hoursl. When I met her I didn't know she would be going to school until 2 months in...then she downplayed how busy she would be so I kept seeing her. Her job is already stressfull. She has a hard time to even spend 2 hours together and now sex has become a 2 a week thing...it is bad and she knows this...sex is very important to me.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread Parent