I feel kind of weird asking this, but how do I AVOID being approached or explain my disinterest?

Disclaimer: I'm aware that there's the great "Penis FAQ" at /r/askwomen exactly for this kind of question, however, those don't really answer nor address my concern, and I also would rather ask you Trolls, to be honest. If mods here decide to remove this post to avoid this sub to suffer from a flood of penis-size related question like AW did, I totally understand.

Few years ago I suffered from depression, partly because of how life has treated me, partly because of shitty people. Terrifying sex-related experiences because of my penis size took a big part of it.

However, I managed to pull myself out of depression, and changed my life drastically. About two years ago I started running and eating healthy, and became a much more open, talkative and all-around more likeable person. As it turns out, with me being in a healthy shape and more fun to hang around with, I seem to be quite attractive to women, judging from how "many" of them approach me since I've moved to a much bigger city to start my new job (it's not like I get approached, like, every day or every week, even, but definitely noticable).

Thing is, because of my bad experiences with women, I also learned to live in abstinence. It may sound strange, but (to some degree) TrollX is what helped me to do so, to be honest. Whenever there was a post where ladies "raved" about big dicks, I learned to accept my shortcomings (heh), and, even more so, realized how repulsive I find the idea of people talking about or judging parts of my body. That's when I realized how bad a match I am for any woman. That's also the reason why I wanted to post this here rather than at AW.

So, when a woman approaches me, I don't just want to blurt out the actual reason for why I'm not interested, but I also don't want to tell her some bullshit lies. She was honest enough to approach me, she deserves an honest reasoning! Or so I hink. I'm not talking only about random women on the streets, but also acquaintances, which only makes the whole scenario more difficult.

If you were to approach someone, what would be a good way to turn you down without you feeling lied to or shitty when it's preferred you don't know the real reason?

TL;DR: I chose to stay abstinent because of penis size, however it turns out I seem to attract women. How do I avoid being approached, and/or explain myself?

/r/AskTrollX Thread Link - i.imgur.com