I feel like I was born a loser

It appears to be about the same list of things that I would’ve written more so in my 20s. Now, in my 40s, there is numbness and a lack of feeling accompanied by moments of rage and tears. I can’t even taste food at times. I do understand why people commit suicide due to depression, it’s because when one can’t feel or have pleasure triggered by the senses, life just sucks. I’m sorry you feel this way and I totally relate. Reading this certainly aroused emotions. I’ll never take those shit fda approved anti depressant pills again though. Therapy is useless. You sit there and talk and someone listening who are times gives a fake smile or a nudge like they care…fuck you therapist you fake fuck. You would help me a lot more, Therapist if I could punch you in that fake face of yours! Yeah, no one will ever understand not even this social media cancer. It will just be documented and used against you by big brother. The only person that can help is yourself. So, fuck everyone else.

/r/depression Thread