I feel like I can’t ask for help because I recovered from a suicide attempt and “got better”

Depression is not something that is caught, like a cold. It’s also not something that you just avoid because you’ve been there, done that already and you’re supposed to be all better now. Depression is an illness; there are differing opinions on what causes it—chemical, stress, family, genetics, etc.—but the long and short of it, is that it is an illness. It took me years to accept this, as I went through the guilt and so on for what seemed like forever. Spare yourself; if you are feeling suicidal, call 911. Don’t fool around with this, Every psychiatrist in America seems to now have a phone recording that stresses, “if this is an emergency, dial 911.” It’s serious. And if you’re self-harming, there’s a reason. For me, it was to avoid feeling severe anxiety. And medication and therapy can be incredibly helpful with the desire to harm yourself—even in small ways. You’re pretty amazing for having the courage to share your message; I was never this brave.

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