I feel like giving up because of the work culture.

I completely understand the mistake I made, and when it happened I immediately removed myself from the classroom and was expecting to get fired then and there. I even asked them what the punishment was in the moment. They looked at the camera's and told me that it was very clear to every person that what happened was an accident and that 'we've all done it before' I am glad about your response to know that it could go on my record and to know they didn't choose to do anything with it.

Also maybe I didn't make the point clear but the behavior the women are doing that's illegal is happening in the school and outside of it.

I did try to keep my distance, I didn't expect my manager to go up to them and tell them everything I had said. I didn't expect her to tell them I didn't want to be friends and the reason I didn't want to be friends. I just told her I was uncomfortable with them always trying to be friends with me because their idea of friendship was doing a bunch of illegal activities. Lessoned learned that anything I say will be told to anyone else though.

I am definitely leaning, Thank you.

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