I feel like gold players have become extremely smart at the game.

Mechanics got you really far. DL is the most famous example. Used to be no brain all mechanics and was one of the worlds best adcs.

If you take a modern player with the knowledge ingrained in them about trading windows in lane, csing, wave management, coupled with far superior mechanics you get a player that would absolutely dominate the early season. And if you are that dominant in season 1 you get picked up by pro teams and the environment can make a player. The only reason why I am in gold is because i have responsibilities. If you drop me back into 2011 i have far less responsibilities and could realistically form connections and go pro and go from there. With the early clout it is easy to become one of the OG coaches who sticks around, or one of the OG retired pro casters. There are loads of options you would have to establish yourself as someone with superior knowledge just with todays gold standard.

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