Do you feel like you have a lack of experiences for your age because of NParents?

My mom was a debutante. Head cheerleader, dated the QB, etc etc. Married an attorney who was abusive, divorced him and took a big chunk of his money, and she can't figure out why I just didn't end up a doctor or lawyer when she hasn't been supportive of a single thing in my life, ever. I'm 41 and had to move back in after a divorce, temporarily. It's been utter hell. And worse, my 6yo daughter is living with me. Trying to get the hell out, and she's sabotaging me, and I have no idea why. I took a job with her bf, and now that I've found a better one (interview tomorrow, wish me luck!) that pays significantly more, she's been telling me all the reasons she thinks it's a bad idea. My car died, so I borrowed her bf's extra car. She convinced him that he needs to take it back since I won't be working for him anymore. So I'm putting my car in the shop. It'll be a $1000+ repair job. Just another grand I can't put towards moving on with my life. I don't know why she wants to keep me there - I'm kind of a pain in her ass too, since I'm done just taking her bullshit and trying to win her approval. I give up. She can't ever be pleased or happy with me so I just give up with her. It's disappointing, and I feel like I'm going through some kind of mourning.

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