I feel like a liar and a fraud. Do I fess up?

I don't lie often, because I can't. My body rejects it and everyone can tell I'm lying. So I just don't to the best of my ability. So I don't know how I've done this.

I have lied about my sexual history. To pretty much everyone.

I've been in a relationship for 2 years now, to the first man I've had a proper relationship with and the first man I had anything sexual with. I have never even told my best friend anything, not even about past flings or almost-relationships. When I finally told her about him, she asked me: so is he your first? It would have been so much easier to just say the truth, but I didn't. In my defense, she has a history of being a bit judgemental of other people's private lives, and a bit bitter about relationships in general, so I thought I was protecting myself from her judgement by lying. She has repeatedly lied about her sexual history, and I know it. I know she hasn't been in a relationship ever, nor had any sexual experience, then all of a sudden she has slept with a few girls and almost had sex with a couple of guys.

To be fair and completely honest, I have told my boyfriend that I slept with a girl too, during a game. At the time though we were still getting to know each other and I didn't think the relationship would last. After we started getting more serious I confessed that that wasn't true. Still, he was, and still is, under the impression that there were more men before him. But I have never named "them" or given a description. My friend though wanted details, so I said it was a classmate of mine while I was on exchange (hence why she didn't know).

This happened two years ago, and though I don't feel bad for my boyfriend not knowing my past exactly, and wouldn't be able to bare with him finding out, I do feel bad now for explicitly lying to my best friend.

Do I tell her the truth? It has been bothering me so much, I'm really tempted to call her and just scream I'M A LIAR AND A TERRIBLE PERSON AND HERE'S WHY!

/r/AskTrollX Thread Link - thelordofthenerds.files.wordpress.com