I feel like a loser

Hey, don't beat yourself up. You are not a loser and we all get like this sometimes. I try so hard to stay off social media and when I do go on, I end up deleting/unfriending people because i just can't sit and watch their "extravagant" lifestyles anymore. But remember, people only post the good times, never the bad. So their life isn't quite the glamour they make out to be.

I use to have SO many friends when I was younger and now I could count them on one hand (and probably still have fingers left over). Things and people just change as you get older and you find yourself distancing yourself from others so you can focus more on yourself and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, you need to find things in life that make YOU happy.

I know I am just a stranger on the internet, but if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to drop me a message :)

/r/offmychest Thread