I feel like I’m becoming a therapist...

Don't make yourself available to these people. I have some people in my life I actually LOVE talking to, but I can't get off the phone with them, lol. I'm talking like , 3 hour conversations... Which I enjoy, but it's also too much.

Anyhow, I came up with several good excuses to need to end phone calls, maybe you should do the same. If it's a meet-up, say you have another appointment in an hour, it you have to have an early night, etc.

I mean, YOU CAN just cut them out of your life too. That's valid. But if you keep attracting these people, I think you need to assert yourself more in conversation and/or come up with some strategies to cut things off to more manageable levels. Boundaries.

And never put up with people you don't enjoy. No way.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread