i feel like i might do it tonight

I was formerly a suicidal depressed person who also went through a very traumatic experience

I have recovered from it and now living a normal healthy life

What you can do is to do what do what I did

Depression hits you when there a things in your life that needs to be changed, addressed or improved

You are going to use your subconscious mind to make decisions for you and let you know what you need to do to feel better

The subconscious mind is a powerful tool as it picks up things that your conscious mind doesn't

So how do you listen to it? Whenever you think of an option or decision and you get a positive feeling then it is the right decision to go with

The positive feeling is your subconscious mind telling you that is a good decision

Sometimes the times the options or choices may not seem to make sense but still go through with it as long as it is not hurting anyone

/r/SuicideWatch Thread Parent