I feel like "Mommy Issues" are severely overlooked

I used to think I had daddy issues because my dad died when I was kinda young. But later in life I realized it was more mommy issues because of how toxic she behaved in the relationships she had after my dad. And even in the one with him. Although I still think her and my dads relationship was mostly healthy, the way she acted in fights and stuff was not normal. So I would scream/cuss and hit my boyfriends in high school because I thought that was normal. Turns out it’s not and I just learned it from my mom. My new life goal is to never be in toxic relationships like she still currently is. And she’s not a bad person at all, truly. She doesn’t hit my stepdad but she is verbally abusive. It’s hard to come to terms with because my stepdad is a literal drug addict and she verbally/mentally abuses him for it rather than just leaving the relationship like a normal person. But she also is financially dependent on him. Just a deep hole of mistakes she’s in and she can’t handle it. It’s horrifying and now that she is getting older seeing her get red in the face and scream when she catches him smoking crack is so scary. I worry they both will have a heart attack. And I have no idea who to side with because I know they are both wrong but I love them both. Wow life sucks

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread