Why do I feel like ONE PIECE anime has changed over the years.

The old anime style brought a sense of old pirate era full of nostalgia, grand and unknown adventures. The new anime just does not hit the spot of nostalgia or the sense of adventure .

We're almost 1,000 chapters into One Piece. They aren't in the east blue. They're not even in the grand line. They're in the New World. The Strawhats aren't just a rag tag group anymore, they're literally one of the biggest names in the pirating world, and one of the biggest threats to the world government. As great as the old days were, those days are gone, and the story needed to progress.

Speed of story has also been increased . I mean look how fast they went from Whole cake island to Wano. Compare that to albasta arc . Anime and story feels like rushed and thus adventure/ globe Trotting part is fairly diminished.

We've been in one big arc since Punk Hazard, if you think about it. Since finding Kinemon's ass stuck to a dragon, the Strawhats have been slowly gathering allies, making plans, and continuing on with the same goal through Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, Zou, and Whole Cake Island, with plenty of new struggles in between.

The Strawhats are way too big to casually sail around to whichever island the log pose tells them. They've made allies, they have fleets, and they're making huge progress in the New World. This has to happen in order for the story to progress.

The new anime style does not convey the emotion like old one . Comedic moments also totally out of place now a days.

I guess this is somewhat agreeable. I don't think its a huge deal though.

/r/OnePiece Thread