I feel like pretending to be okay to everyone.

Thank you.

I'm just so afraid of being hurt more. No one causes me to hurt. I'm just really good at picking things I like to do that cause immeasurable amounts of pain.

I feel like I completely tore the bandage off a wound that is still bleeding. And I let someone see that completely, and I also made myself sound probably horrible, so it's almost feeling like I was begging this person to hurt me as hard as they could.

And I don't want that. I don't think they'd do that, but I can't stop thinking about what it would be like if they did go out of their way to hurt me. I hate giving people that kind of control over me, it just makes me feel sick and like I want to scream for the rest of my life. I hate living like this in perpetual fear of something that I should honestly not give a flying fuck about.

I feel like I keep trying to destroy my emotions so I just don't have any. This really just, everything, it just makes me feel so stupid and like I'm going to get hurt badly no matter what. But I can't change my feelings so I really seriously just want out and want to die because I don't think I can overcome this. I keep trying.

It sucks to be depressed but it sucks even more to be depressed and feel unrequited and completely wrong love (if I even know what that means). It just feels like heart wrenching agony. I keep thinking about whether I have done enough bad things that I deserve this permanent kind of suffering.

And I hate that I'm this needy, emotionally overcharged person. It's just weird. I am weirdo, and not the good kind. Everyone can tell me not to feel sad over it. Everyone can shrug it off like it shouldn't affect me that much. I don't know why I keep letting this stuff eat away at me besides believing that there isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

I can go through my entire life and try to figure out how to fix this, but nothing works. It doesn't even matter if I try to forget, lose contact. I'm still completely insane over it.

I feel stupid for coming to the depression forum over a love problem. But the darkness this feels like it has taken me too, it is just so much pain.

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