Do you feel like your country is moving more away from a stable path?

Yet you continue to spout conspiracy theories.

because Bernie Sanders is the most dangerous man alive in the eyes of the DNC for daring to suggest people are worth more than what they can do for society and capitalism.

Because democratic voters are showing up in droves to say that socialism isn't the path forward. I appreciate Sanders conviction and find him honest and truly believe that he means the best. I disagree with his cowing to socialism and turning boogeymen into people who have done well, his brand of politics is populism and lofty promises that are unattainable.

I'm sorry that your so blind to the idea that people with different political ideas must be viewed as the enemy and uncaring. To think Biden doesn't care about Americans and doesn't want to build and enhance a social safety net is either a misunderstanding of his political statements or sticking your own head in the sand.

I implore that you read the criticisms of Bernie's proposals so that you have have a better understanding of why people don't want him to be president so you can have better, more meaningful and empathetic discussions about the subjects.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread Parent