I feel pretty much the same way!

We still have to work together as a society. It's just that most jobs are pointless and could be eliminated and/or automated. People would still choose to be doctors, to invent things, to do research, or do any other real things we still need people for. People already do these jobs for motivations other than money. People still want feel like they are part of society and help others as a whole, even when they don't work. I don't know how close we are technologically to having basically all necessary tasks automated but there are people who like working with machines and would choose to take jobs servicing robots or IT jobs managing the systems. Money isn't the only motivation people have in life, and if society's focus was on being part of the group and helping people rather than money, that would be motivation instead. I would love to have the job I have now (in mental health) in a society without paid jobs. I just hate the idea that I currently have to do it or be homeless (literally in my case, my housing is tied to my job).

People lend people jet skis today, so I don't know what that is really supposed to mean, but maybe in a different society, you could just go to the lake and jet skis would be there for the public to use. Would some people act recklessly with common property? Of course, but societies could come up with ways to disincentivize that. I'm not big on public shaming in the extreme way it can be used today, but a little old fashion "come on man, you destroyed the jet skis and now no one can use them!" would be a lot more meaningful in a society that relies on people treating others with respect.

I don't have all the answers and I'm sure there are plenty of holes in my ideas, but society as we are now cannot be the best we can come up with. If we had a different society and someone came up with what we had today as an idea for an alternative, would it really sound that great? Wouldn't it also have many holes and issues?

You shouldn't have to spend 40 hours of your life every week doing meaningless labor just so you can go hiking on the only time you are allowed to be free. You should be able to spend your time doing stuff you find meaningful and then go on a hike when the weather is nice and you feel in the mood. Sometimes the societal tasks would still come before leisure and you couldn't always go on a hike when you feel like it, but when you feel valued for the work you do and feel like it means something to people, it won't feel like work the same way.

How many people have skills or more natural ability towards a subject but never even get to explore that in themselves because they need to work fast food jobs just to live? It feels like a travesty to think that Beethovens, Van Goghs, and Shakespeares are probably flipping burgers. Some people love science, some mathematics, people pursued these things before money was the outcome, and they would continue to do so after. Millions of people are stifled in their true interests and skills that would actually benefit society because they have to work meaningless jobs that we could easily create a robot to do in order to survive. Millions and millions are never even introduced to concepts they might realize fit them because arts, sports, specialized sciences or advanced math are all the first things eliminated in poor school districts.

Even within your interests described, maybe in my hypothetical society, you could work with local wildlife somehow, studying their habits, diseases, protecting their environment. I'm sure you have many interests where you could find things that suit the life you want to live and benefit society if money wasn't a thought.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it