I feel sad that this sub has to exist (long rant)

First of all, I will speak for something I have noticed, and I hope you don't take it wrong pal (being short next to a group of people is sad I know). Most guys who are about 5'6"-5'7" complain about being short, yet they look normal and proportional. The biggest issue is that the real short guys are us who are under 5'4" and our bodies look like the ones of a preteen. You say height is not going to put you down and you won't pay attention to it, because yes! It is easy for you, a more average person, to ignore the fact that you are a couple of inches shorter than your counter pals. Unlike me, standing barely at 5'1", no one can ignore the fact that I am short, and no one can take me seriously for looking like a preteen. I am 17, and people keeps calling me names for being short. The worse of it is that it is hard for people to ignore the fact that I am short. Not even my girlfriends could get over it, even if it didn't disturb them, they still couldn't get over me being short (although all of them have been 1 or 3 inches shorter than me!). I hope guys really understand that 5'7 is not bad, you can live a perfect life with that height in most other places (that's the average in Mexico and Spain). Now let me tell you something, discrimination for height regardless if you are 5'8, 5'5 or 4'11 should stop NOW. It is a real thing, and society denies its existence simply because "no one can take a short guy seriously" (and we all know that that's the most discriminative thing ever told to a short pal). It is also more sad how some "short" guys put down others for being shorter than them. There was this guy in my high school who was like 5'6 and was always calling me names for being short, he always called me little man and stuff like that while he was short himself (he was in the football team and he was pretty much one of the shortest in there). We should simply stop labelling people for their heights, regardless if you can take them seriously or not. Look at Japanese people, back in the 19th and 20th centuries they were depicted as funny and slumpy, now you barely see that type of discrimination towards either Japanese or any other minority.

/r/short Thread