Feel way comfier in my new skin at home, but terrible social anxiety about the outside?

I totally get this.

I feel so much better in general but I get terrible anxiety whenever I think about going outside presenting fem. It doesn't help that my voice doesn't pass at all so even if my appearance were to pass I'm still going to get clocked the second I say anything.

Also I'm not even sure what presenting fem would even means aside from hyperfemininity, skirts everywhere etc but that feels forced and I also feel like I'm just faking it when comparing myself to cis women who don't tend to present super fem. So I guess theres fem jeans and t-shirt or something but I can't even tell if I pass or just look like a guy when wearing stuff like that.

I'm just super scared about looking like a "man in a dress" or a "dude with boobs" so I tend to try and just stay home most of the time which sucks.

Idk what to do about it besides not giving a fuck and experimenting with different styles.

/r/asktransgender Thread