Feelers, can you give some real life examples of thinkers being insensitive/pissing you off?

I just don't see any magnificent beauty in life. We know so little about our world, we can't even know for sure whether what we have is special or not. We can't prove that we haven't done this same thing a million times. FFS the world could be a video game that some astral being is replaying to try and get the best ending and we'd be none the wiser.

Although if there is an astral being, that would be unlikely because video games probably wouldn't appeal to them, judging from what we can guess. But that's not relevant to my point at all.

Long story short, it's hard to care about things when I haven't been given a logical reason to care, and to my knowledge there isn't one. I guess you're supposed to make your own reason, but I haven't rustled up the effort to do so. I love life and what I get to do, but I just don't understand the urgency everyone has when they do things. In perspective, it may not matter at all.

Now that could obviously be countered with the fact that everything I just said is theoretical, and for all we know everything we see is face value and I'm defunct for not following along. We really know nothing.

I'm sorry if this came off as r/iamverysmart , that wasn't my intention. I just felt the need to share what I think of the universe. I'm still at a relatively early point in life, so maybe one day my perspective will be changed. But this is what I think as of now.

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