Feeling confused about ADHD and social anxiety

Anyone who grew up with real, untreated ADHD knows how extremely socially difficult it was...this paired with our rejection dysphoria caused lots of us a lot of pain

IMO your social anxiety is likely a result of the social harm you were caused by ADHD symptoms you could not help. kind of like a form of learned helplessness, you not listening/pissing people off with ADHD that was out of control hurt you so many times that your brain naturally developed social anxiety to protect you from further harm.

I know more than one ADHD person who said one day they simply grew out of their social anxiety. for me, meds made this anxiety completely disappear because I could listen and think so much clearer. Are you on meds for ADHD? I've also experienced that complete alien-like feeling when it comes to not being to connect with anyone and I too wondered if I had some form of Asperger's. I was wrong though and ADHD meds fixed this problem

/r/ADHD Thread