Feeling defeated. The fatigue will never end. Idk how I’m ever going to get a job.

I fucking hate sleep studies, like don't even get me started on those. I personally think that they are bullshit and only exist because of insurance. I just imagine the doctor looking at a screen with a stopwatch, ffs. Why in the world would someone create a test like the MSLT? It's like they just define people as not having a sleep disorder and what do you know? You got rid of the sleep disorder, go figure.

Imagine there's a lake that people need to go to in order to fish and feed the village, then one day a group of fishers build a huge wall around the lake and then complain that there's no more fish.

Why 8 minutes? Why not 9 or 10 or even 3 minutes? What is the reasoning behind that specific number and not another number. I feel it's either insurance or the DEA or something stupid.

/r/antidepressants Thread