Feels like i had a psychotic break on June 23rd, and im waking up from it...

a lot of the stuff you're describing does sound like acute paranoia / psychosis, especially the more "game" or "they're playing a joke on me" aspects of what you've described. one of the weird side effects of some bad LSD trips (IANAD anecdotal / personal) is that our processing of social ques can be exaggerated, understated or generally skewed. the hints and hidden meanings seem to be either misjudgement of the severity or a "misunderstanding" of the social behaviour of a person or the people around them.

it's not healthy in the long term to dedicate such a portion of your time and thought to internal discussion of the "realness" of the situation, rather then interacting with it as it is and being present in the moment. the brain is capable of rapidly building an intricate network of narrative to convince us that our perception is the 100% ultimate truth. focus on bettering all the aspects of your life that you can: health, hobbies, socially the rest will come in time.

/r/Psychosis Thread