Feels so satisfying taking out UI Goku mains.

How is it satisfying? How is Ui unfair? He is a character in a fighting game with overpowered mechanics but that doesn't mean it's "impossible" to beat him or whatever. Going by that logic then that would make you a "bad" player or satisfying to beat as well due to the fact that you're a Vegito main. Vegito has counters, an overpowered light combo, and an overpowered command grab. I don't see why you should feel happy after beating a Ui Goku main when you LITERALLY use Vegito. I don't see why you felt the NEED to post this on Reddit. It's a Ui Goku main, suck it up and just learn how to fight him or just play as him. It's not that hard. Why do you people act like you are the worst person on Earth just for using Ui Goku? He's literally 5.99$. Maybe you wouldn't be so salty after losing or satisfied after winning, maybe you wouldn't have made this post if you had put your 5.99$ on Ui Goku instead of Vegito. Maybe, just MAYBE, you people wouldn't be like this if you had just gotten good or had found a way to persevere and beat a Ui Goku main. You could've became a Ui Goku main or learned how to get good, but what do you do? You act like you're the coolest person on Earth just for beating a character that around 30% of the player base uses. But then again, what do I know? I'm just some annoying Ui Goku player.

/r/dragonballfighterz Thread Link - v.redd.it