Fellow ADHD Therapists - can we commiserate for a second?

ADHD therapist here also. Paperwork and admin stuff is so hard. The advantage is that I am out on my own and can set things up the way I need to. The disadvantage is that I am out on my own! I am lucky in that I don’t have to make a ton so I decided to hire a billing and office administrator. And I only have 14 sessions a week on average! She’s not too expensive though - and talk once a week to go over the mundane details which helps me SO much. And it ends up being a couple hundred a month to pay her. I also added TherapyNotes EHR which is really helping with tx plans and notes. I resisted it for so long but I’m only 3 weeks into it but notes are so fast now.

Next step is to add an associate therapist!

/r/therapists Thread