Fellow Bernie or Buster here - Why are you Bernie or Bust?

I could list a very long set of reasons that I find Clinton deplorable, but everyone has a good idea what that list would entail. Last year I said to myself that I'd be willing to vote for Clinton if Sanders lost. After everything that has happened the thought of voting for her turns my stomach. I've been following the election process closely so my breaking point was way back when DWS rolled back the rest of Obama's regulations put in place as a promise to the American people that the Democratic party would show transparency and integrity.

What makes it worse is the attitude of her supporters. Their condescension and spin has transcended common sense into narcissism of the raisedbynarcissists variety. They blame Sanders for the problems that Clinton has brought onto herself. It is also Clinton that needs to earn the votes of the people, not the people's moral duty to support a candidate they loath. A protest vote of any kind is not a vote thrown away simply because the vote belongs to the voter, not the candidate who prematurely presumes herself the winner. Her supporters argue from a position as though Americans are indebted to her and need to pay up which makes less sense than a mother claiming her kids owe her for birthing them because at least the mother birthed her kids. Voting for who you want is the most fundamental point of voting that seems lost on them in this attempt to bully/shame people into submission (which is a laughably arrogant and stupid strategy).

If Bernie supporters are children, then Clinton supporters are the horror story abusers who gaslight, project, and resort to every logical fallacy to obfuscate common sense and decency. At least children know the difference between right and wrong.

/r/AskBernieSupporters Thread