Fellow ENFP's: What did you study in college/what is your current profession?

Geology! I'm still pursuing my degree but I love what I study and I can't imagine doing anything else. Well, I can but I definitely choose what I'm doing now over most of the other possibilities!

Before I entered college I went through a mini existentIal crisis about what I wanted to do. There were so many cool things, so many lives I could be living! But at the same time it almost seemed like there wasn't any to choose. One day a friend pointed out that I should go for earth science. I've always loved it, it was my favorite subject and goodness knows how many rocks I had accumulated. It was a childhood hobby and I just had never seriously thought about making it more before. But it all fit. At first I was looking at environmental science because alternative energy has always been an interest of mine, but it almost instantly became apparent that geology was my true love. And I've never really looked back since.

It's not like other things don't interest me. I still have a fondness for making up stories, or fantasies about owning a bookshop, or the other things I wanted to do or try. They are still there, sort of, but every time I'm in my lab, or hanging out with other geologist just geeking out, I feel like this is what is right for me. Maybe in the future I'll look back and think this wasn't right for me, that I should have done something else...but although I can imagine the other things I might be doing, this is where I want to be right now. I want to see where this life will take me.

It can be hard to narrow down what you want but sometimes it's like the choice chooses you. I never realized that geology was for me until someone pointed out to me that it's always kind of been there for me and I hadn't clued in yet.

/r/ENFP Thread