Fellow ex-Creationist folks who are now pursuing science careers...

Oh hey that's me. 18 years of Christian education, 6 day creationism, 6000 year earth, firmament in the heavens, Noah's flood, all that good stuff.

When I was about 15 it started to break down for me. I entertained intelligent design, and then theistic evolution, and got so fascinated by evolution that the information I was absorbing "out of curiosity" started to make more sense to me than the stuff I'd been told was true my whole life. Wow, that sounds heretical typing it out.

And now I'm in college working on my bachelor's degree in Biology (Evolution and Ecology concentration!) and I think I'm going to go on to Geology or Entomology (bugs have always fascinated me) for grad school. I don't know if I want to stay in academia/research forever but I definitely want to inspire that same passion in other people. :)

/r/exchristian Thread