Fellow INFPs, how easy is it for you to let go? People, things, situations, in general?

i used to have a roommate, he's probably an INTJ. it's amazing, i don't think i've ever met somebody who's totally unbothered by my grumpy, always tired face but also somehow cares about how im feeling. he'd sit around studying, play music, games, doing his own thing. some days we'd watch movies, eat pizza together, or talk about the mysteries of the universe, like how atoms uncannily resembles the solar system (i think he'd only entertain questions like this), i'd sometimes ask him for some advice with academics which i was struggling with. one day he graduated during covid panedemic and he left a letter on my shelf (cuz he's that kind of person i guess), saying how grateful of a roommate i was and that i must never give up on my dreams and to never settle. i was really sad that he's leaving. but will always value those words in his letter, i even had to take a picture incase i lose it lol. the guy since become a role model to me.

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