Fellow tech directors - What is our career path?

Posting as a throwaway so I can get my rant on.

First, ignore anything written (or said) by your linked post's author. I saw the link you posted and cringed. It caused quite a bit of commotion when posted and his opinions have only gotten worse. He's a no talent asshat, and as an Iowa K-12 Tech Director he's an embarrassment to Educational Technology. Anyone who actually knows the guy will vouch for that, he's all talk and no action. He's been given plenty of opportunity to make change in the educational landscape here in Iowa but never follows through.

Now, rant aside, our position is different than it was 10 years ago. And it will be very different 10 years from now. Where before we had to only focus on hardware, software, and locking things down has now evolved. Now, we are a major part of curriculum, and must work hand-in-hand with the curriculum folks. What we support is directly impacting instruction and not just a side-piece or center time activity (especially with 1:1). Locking down is going along the wayside to foster responsible usage and time management.

I can't begin to imagine how different things will be 10 years from now. I've been in the Ed Tech game for around 8 years now and my mindset has changed drastically based on trends and where I think education needs to go. At the beginning, I was total lock-down, would have never imagined being 1:1. But times change, and so have I - to support what students need and support how they best learn.

I think our jobs will always be around. They'll always look slightly different from district to district, but our responsibilities are going to change based on a lot of factors. Tech is a huge part of education and I just can't foresee that going away. If you love the profession, the biggest thing is you need to be able to adapt and evolve to the educational landscape. I've seen a lot of tech directors still dig in the trenches of the "old ways" and they are simply being passed by; be it new teachers, new technology, kids' knowledge and comfort level, etc.

/r/k12sysadmin Thread