This felt so good.

Nah, I don't get it either. I remember back when I first got into online console gaming, I was playing Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow, and there was this spot right outside of spawn on one of the maps, that had a bush you could crouch inside. Eventually, I ran past it one match and got blasted in the back after a few minutes of running around trying to find the last guy; my first exposure to true camping. 12 y/o me didn't get it then, 28 y/o me still doesn't get it now.

But hey, that's just how some people play. You can either figure out how to deal with it, rage because you couldn't or smash through a door and wreck em' like this guy. The latter of the 3 is extremely satisfying.

To be fair, I think most people who camp(in a game like this), do so because they're either new or not confident in their ability to play agressively(probably players who dont have much/spend much time playing). The rest are probably just trolls who know they're pissing people off and like it.

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