I felt just a tiny bit diabolical while creating Round 12.

Your replies are recent comments made my the person you're replying to, encoded with an alphabet substitution, looks like a modified Caesar cipher.

Fb F wftmksski a bqfkmi’s lnl in tdfs tn tdkl, F’I jaucd ly ass nbb.

If I witnessed a friend's mom do this to them, I'd laugh my ass off.

vbx? qbcp cp vbgq Ygicrlokcg givgxp illep icet?

why? this is what California always looks like?

Emmy mka ^

Good one ^

Sbmro nomnjo fqo wby rmyjols oxersr

Those people are why soylent exists



Rpufy ws tps tff cj tws lk ylup ougmcruos

Truly we are all in awe of your dumpitude

F gsqr gfzzua fk jy mvkrq

I just jizzed in my pants

Cqrtr pthaifu Hbmirs sbjs’r iekmqrrivq. Jmq sbqmq jfy qxkqmsr gts sbjs hjf qrsiejsq sbq Hgtmihr?

Jesus fucking Christ that's impressive. Are there any experts out that can estimate the Courics?



mgrpqr srgg jr sbps ylt bpd p orpggy alld ord wckr sl jpfr rvrk jlor rmci…

please tell me that you had a really good red wine to make even more epic...

/r/IGildThereforeIAm Thread Parent Link - reddit.com