Female ENFJs: Do men misinterpret your friendliness?

  1. Agree

  2. Any amount of porn is bad, viewing 1 or 1000 porn videos has the same result. Yes it's the persons own responsibility to recover and seek therapy. But what is wrong with helping people? You don't need to be a therapist to be a helping hand to someone.

  3. Lol so spouses shouldn't help and support each other with their problems? Therapist can only do so much, I'm not saying to unload all your problems on your partner but, what is wrong in asking for help from your partner? Letting them know, "Hey I'm going through some stuff, I can do it on my own, but some support would be appreciated." Lol men don't go to therapy because they don't feel like it's not going to help them. They feel like what they have to say isn't going to be validated, so why go? (I'm leaving the patriarchy comment out of my reply because will be here all day if I give my 2 cents on that monstrosity)

I don't support the behavior of the men in OP's post, I was point out possible reasons for their behaviors existence. If you couldn't see it then that's on you. I don't have the time to spell everything out.

Men don't want women to be their therapist, they want support from a loving partner just as a women would. Which is growing less and less of a thing in today's world. Take care of yourself first absolutely, but there's nothing wrong in helping each other.

Men are disappearing from society, more are walking away from the world, especially from relationships with women. Groups like The Red Pill, MGTOW, Incels, etc. are growing everyday. It's not good. We need to find common ground. We need to heal. Society is going to suffer as a whole otherwise.

All in all I think we're coming to the same conclusion just from different angles.

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