Female genital mutilation is a religious right claim lawyers in first US case on the practice

Dude, you have a lot of nerve talking about somebody's mother like that. You've basically relegated everyone who had their kid circumcised into the "horrible parent" group. Last time I checked, someone's ability to raise a child isn't measured by the length of foreskin.

People like you are fucking cancer, and every time that shit is discussed on this website, shitty comments like yours run the conversation to the point where it's not even up for discussion. You've basically decided to treat anybody like shit unless they agree with you, which I guess is totally fine if you're so fucking right about everything.

Fuck off, go worry about your own dick. You could try to educate people, but have decided to treat those parents like anti-vaxers, as if someone else's lack of dick skin could get your kid sick or something. Stop acting like the stakes are so goddamn high about an optional procedure. You're not going to shame everyone in America into doing what you want, but if you keep trying you'll be quite effective at making people think you're an ass.

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